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AST in the 2010 Shanghai Expo

AST has participated in the bioclimatic design and the wind generators design installed in the Air Tree of the Town Hall of Madrid in the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

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Practical Stress Analysis & Finite Element Method

Monday 19- Tuesday 20 April 2010 UPM - Madrid

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Conference "Innovation and Sustainability. Basic pillars for the industrialisation of construction."

Conference "Innovation and Sustainability. Basic pillars for the industrialisation of construction."

Monday the 8th of March 2010. 12:00 h. Aula Magna. Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Gijón.

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Recognition of the informative work of AST Ingeniería

Recognition of the informative work of AST Ingeniería

AST has received a collaborative diploma from the University of Oviedo for its participation in the course “The Industrialisation of Construction”.

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AST reinforces its commitment to promote innovation

AST member of the Board of Directors of the Club Asturiano de la Innovación

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2009 ANSYS Iberian Conference

Madrid, 27-28 October 2009

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Wind energy laboratory construction project

AST ingeniería will collaborate in the development of technology to exploit maritime wind energy.

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The industrialisation of Construction

Summer course organised by the University of Oviedo, AST Ingeniería S.L. and Modultec

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Technological Applications of the Numerical Methods in Engineering

Day course organised by the Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Industrial de Asturias (IUTA)

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MEVA Project

New carbon fibre axial fans for road tunnels

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AST is a new member of NAFEMS

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ASMDO Conference

The Engineering of Simulation and Testing

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La fábrica virtual

Jornada divulgativa sobre simulación de procesos

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Un universo simulado

AST presenta sus capacidades en una entrevista para La Nueva España

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CETICA Project

CETICA Project

"The Eco Technological City. Steel-based industrialization for a more sustainable urban habitat"

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2024 NAFEMS Iberia Conference
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid. 14 November 2024
WEDUSEA - Innovative wave energy project receives green light from EU
PRESS RELEASE - 9th September 2024
NAFEMS seminar: The Challenges of New Advanced Simulation Techniques
Thursday 16 November 2023 | Madrid, Spain
Actualización en el registro de PYMES INNOVADORAS
AST recibe nuevamente el sello de PYME Innovadora
NRC22 Iberia
Register Today! 6 October 2022, Madrid Spain