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1.    Title: Implicit integration procedure for viscoplastic Gurson materials

        Author(s): BETEGON, C; DEL COZ, JJ; PENUELAS, I

        Source: COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Volume: 195 Issue: 44-47 Pages: 6146-6157 Year: 2005

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  2.    Title: A modified elitist genetic algorithm applied to the design optimization of complex steel structures

        Author(s): GERO, MBP; GARCIA, AB; DIAZ, JJDC   

        Source: JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH Volume: 612 Pages: 265-280 Year: FEB 2005

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   Title: Computer simulation of the laminar nozzle flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a rubber extrusion process by the finite volume method and experimental comparison

         Author(s): DIAZ, JJDC; NIETO, PJG; MERE, JO; et al

        Source: JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 3538-10 Pages: 981-983 Year: APR 15 2007  

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   Title: Nonlinear thermal optimization of external light concrete multi-holed brick walls by the finite element method

         Author(s): DIAZ, JJDC; NIETO, PJG; SIERRA, JLS; et al.

         Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER51 Issue: 7-8 Pages: 1530-1541 Year: 2008

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   5.    Title: Non-linear thermal optimization and design improvement of a new internal light concrete multi-holed brick walls by FEM

        Author(s): DIAZ, JJD; NIETO, PJG; SIERRA, JLS; et al.

        Source: APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING Volume: 28 Issue: 8-91090-1100 Year: 2008

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