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Usted está aquí: Inicio > CAPACIDADES/SOLUCIONES > SIMULACIÓN MECÁNICA > Computational Structural Mechanics

Herramientas Personales

Simulation of machinery components, products, structures and systems

AST is specialized in virtual prototyping. The physical system is modeled by means of a finite element software, where its structural behaviour is simulated under its particular loading and other operating conditions.

This analysis technique is broadly employed to accurately predict the system failure modes (elastic and structural instability, buckling, fatigue, resonance..), allowing for its early optimization at the design phase with the corresponding cost reductions.

This constitutes one of the most important advantages of the simulation against the traditional calculation techniques.


NAFEMS seminar: The Challenges of New Advanced Simulation Techniques
Thursday 16 November 2023 | Madrid, Spain
Actualización en el registro de PYMES INNOVADORAS
AST recibe nuevamente el sello de PYME Innovadora
NRC22 Iberia
Register Today! 6 October 2022, Madrid Spain
La simulación aplicada a la resolución de problemas de ingeniería
NAFEMS Encuentros con un Experto Webinar Series. Martes, 25 de enero de 2022
Proyecto Convertidor en Isla
Investigación y desarrollo de un conversor de potencia que permite el autoconsumo de forma aislada, posibilitando almacenar la energía proveniente de una fuente renovable para un posterior consumo.