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El Musel, route to Europe for new wind turbines

AST in La Nueva España

The aim of Gijón is to become a centre of reference in the research and development of technology related to alternative energy and more specifically that of maritime wind energy.

The Town Hall has obtained the support of the following companies in this initiative: Acciona, AST Ingeniería, Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón, Biogás Fuel Cell, Centro de Investigación en Nanomateriales y Nanotecnología, CTAI (Centro Técnico de Automatismos e Investigación), Duro Felguera, Fundación Prodintec, Grupo Intermark, IDESA, Isastur, Neo Energía (EDP Renováveis), SEM, Thyssen Krupp Elevator, TSK and Windar Renovables.


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