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NRC22 Iberia
Register Today! 6 October 2022, Madrid Spain
We are pleased that this will be a face-to-face conference held at the ETSI Aeronáutica y Espacio in Madrid on 6 October 2022 able to bring together simulation engineers from all sectors committed to inspire innovative design through engineering simulation.
This conference will focus on Computational Nonlinear Dynamics with preference given to Multi-Body Dynamics and will aim to bring together like-minded engineers to share their knowledge by providing keynote and other presentations from researchers, developers, resellers, industrialists and end-users on (but not limited to) vehicle dynamics, robotic systems, biomechanical systems, molecular dynamics, aerospace applications, machine dynamics, rotating structures, nonlinear dynamics, intermittent motion, application of multibody methodologies to real-time simulations, etc.
This face-to-face conference hopes to generate open discussions on recent innovations, trends, concerns and challenges related to the above topics.
The event will include presentations on novel case studies, innovations, new practices, etc. and facilitate discussions with experts to help build your network of multi-disciplinary simulation engineers, advance your career by learning new skills, prepare for future developments in the industry, etc.
The conference is free of charge for experienced experts, engineers, developers and practitioners in the field. This includes coffee breaks and snacks as provided, but not transportation nor hotel accommodation. The number of participants is limited, and registration is mandatory and is available on a first come, first serve basis. Participation will be limited for entities; however additional persons could be included on request.
Registration on the website